Adoption Process
Thank you for your interest in adopting from our shelter, we look forward to helping you find your fur-ever friend. We have listed below our three-step process to finding your purr-fect companion.
Step 1
We encourage all applicants to come out and interact with any prospective animal they wish to adopt. The ultimate goal is to ensure the animal is the perfect fit for each individual person/household. Then, you will complete an adoption application.
The adoption application takes two to three days approximately to process. We will run a background check on everyone in the house over 18.
If you are a renting tenant, your landlord must approve the adoption.

Step 2
If you have a dog in the house and are looking to adopt another dog, a crucial part of the adoption process is the Meet and Greet. Once your application is approved, we ask you to return to the shelter with your current dog(s), where a guided and secure Meet and Greet will take place. If the Meet & Greet does not go well, we can keep your approved application on file for six (6) months and continue to work with you on finding your perfect match.
Step 3
Once your approved, you can do a home visit which entails you being able to take the animal home for 7- 10 days and see how they fit before you finalize their adoption. All you need is a copy of your license to complete the home visit process. If the animal is not spayed or neutered, you will do a foster to adopt. This is when you take the animal home till it is time for them to be fixed and adoption finalization would follow.
The adoption fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.

Our Adoption Fees are as Follows:
Dogs: 6 months & under are $200
7 months - 7 years are $150
8 years & over are $75
***any dog under 20 lbs. are $175
Cats: 6 months & under are $60
7 months & over are $30
***Free Senior Cats for Seniors***
Cats that are 7 years & over are FREE to senior residents who are 65 years & over!
Rabbits: $20
Small Animals (hamsters and guinea pigs.): $20
Please call for pricing on any other small animals and birds.

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